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Work Smarter not Harder

Hi Stick People,

I have learned this lesson the hard way. As I prep to launch this website I am and was very careful on what I did and I made sure I thought thru each step. On the other hand when it came to creating. I was working so hard.

This is what happen. As I create the reversible block set, I thought "O I can make 5 of them at the same time and then give it away". On day one of creating I realize this might not be wise, but I continue to work on all 5. On day five I was done with them and all of them look really bad, (So bad that I didn't take a picture), so I started all over and its been a wonderful and smarter experience.

Do you work harder or Smarter? I hope its the latter, so that you can not only save time, but brain cells. .

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