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Fishing Game

Hi Stick People,

Fishing game

This pattern is entertaining to create and play with. Each shape is made twice, then glued together with a magnet in between.

You will need:

Hook I

10 different color yarns

10 different colors of ribbon

Varieties of buttons.

Stick or straw

Glue gun

11-12 Magnets (10 for the shapes and 1 for each pole)

After I created this pattern, my daughter and her friend spent hours playing it. Every time her friend visits he wants to play this game.

We played it 3 different ways to keep them excited and learning:

1. Fish for colors

2. Fish for shapes

3. Just go fishing (who can collect the most)

My daughter played the game all week and she learned about colors and shapes. This game is especially great to play when it is snowing outside.

Click the link below and start creating. Don’t forget the action plan below.

Action Plan:

-Leave a comment on what you have made that the kids can play with?

-Post your finish product with #stickinyarn #goingfishing

Enjoy and Have Fun!


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